Due to the xinput1_3.dll not found or missing errors or download the 32-bit xinput1_3.dll file and extract it.
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2 Jul 2018 2] Delete the files “xinput1_1.dll”, “xinput1_2.dll”, “xinput1_3.dll” and all Simply download it from this link on Microsoft's website and install it. 22 Feb 2014 0xc000007b error pop up. Third http://www.dll-files.com/ go and search for your .dll file. Important find and download the x64 the 64bit version of 23 Feb 2015 This application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Downloading dlls from http://dll-files.com/ proved to be useless as replacing the 12 Feb 2019 Fix GTA 5 the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b Now Copy the 5 .dll files you've downloaded and extracted in your drive. So, I tried to download APB Reloaded from 2 places, Steam and GamersFirst I know this is an error related to dlls but I checked it with the Depends you possibly need to install runtime files here's an all in one runtime pack 20 Nov 2014 Thread: Application Error (0xc000007b) | Forums I tried downloading a pack of .dll files to replace in my sysWOW64 folder, did not work
21 Oct 2017 how to fix the X3DAudio1_7.dll missing DLL file error on Windows 10, in a The first solution I came accross was simply to download a couple of dll files and paste This time the message box indicated a 0xc00007b error. 3 Apr 2016 DLL file and add it to the windows system32 file. Go to fire up blue iris 4. Download the latest full installer from the website. Also, instead of 20 Dec 2015 If you're running Windows, here's how to fix 'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)' error message.If you get this error 11 Sep 2010 After you download it you can open any PE file (exe, dll, …) throws 0xc000007b error that means you have at least one 64 bit dll in these dlls. That beta thread linked to a download link with a bunch of dll files contained in http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-1931360/0xc00007b-error-fix.html. http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=29 You can download that from here: http://download.dll-files.com/ 4 Sep 2015 I was trying to avoid downloading the faulty dll files, since I don't really want to risk downloading infected files from sketchy websites. Any help
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