The DPR holds most of the legislative power because it has the sole power to pass laws. The DPD acts as a supplementary body to the DPR; it can propose bills, offer its opinion and participate in discussions, but it has no legal power.
Hary Tanoesoedibjo established Perindo Party following his disappointing forays into politics with two other parties. In 2011, he joined the Nasdem Party (Partai Nasional Demokrat) of fellow media baron Surya Paloh, but he quit the party in… Joko Widodo's presidential campaign in 2019 is Joko Widodo's second presidential bid, following his first campaign's success in the 2014 presidential election. The Aceh Party (Indonesian: Partai Aceh) is a regional political party in Indonesia. It contested the 2009 elections in the province of Aceh, and is the largest party in the Aceh provincial legislature Surya Paloh is active in politics and he was the chairman of the advisory board of the Golkar Party, the biggest political party in Indonesia. He is also the founder of National Democrat mass organization, which later gave birth to the… The People's Conscience Party (Indonesian: Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat, Partai Hanura) is a political party in Indonesia. It was established following a meeting in Jakarta on 13–14 December 2006 and first headed by former Indonesian National… ^ Partai-Partai Politik Indonesia: Ideologi dan Program 2004-2009 (Indonesian Political Parties: Ideologies and Programs 2004-2009 Kompas (1999) ISBN 979-709-121-X pp53-55
1 Pemberitaan Partai Nasional Demokrat Dalam Surat Kabar Harian Seputar Indonesia Analisis Isi Kuantitatif Objektivitas 1 2 3 Engumuman Keutusan Komisi Emiihan UMUM KOTA Kendari /.0.-Kpt//KU-Kot/IX/0 Tentang Enetaan Daftar CAON TETA Anggota Pasca pemilu, genderang politik kembali ditabuh. Walaupun tinta pemilu belum kering, namun politik Gorontalo terasa PSP News — Ketua Umum (Ketum) Garda Pemuda NasDem, Prananda Surya Paloh, menyerahkan Surat Keputusan (SK) Kepengurusan GP NasDem Kota Medan periode 2018-2023 kepada Ketua GP NasDem Kota Medan… PSP News, Medan — Tim Prananda Surya Paloh (PSP) Foundation yang dipimpin Gandi F Manurung bersama anggota DPRD Kota Medan dari Partai NasDem, Maruli Tua Tarigan melakukan kunjungan ke Sekola…
In August 2011, Tanoesoedibjo joined the Nasdem Party (Partai Nasional Demokrat), an Indonesian political party founded by Surya Paloh. By late 2012, there were rumors of a leadership struggle between Tanoesoedibjo and Paolh. The Prosperous Justice Party (Indonesian: Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, sometimes called the Justice and Prosperity Party), frequently abbreviated to PKS, is an Islam-based political party in Indonesia. Golkar was the Indonesian ruling group from 1971 to 1999, under Presidents Suharto and B. J. Habibie. It subsequently join the ruling coalitions under presidents Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarnoputri, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. It was held to elect the governor of Lampung alongside with their deputy, whilst members of the provincial council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) will be re-elected in 2019. The party was founded as the Justice and Unity Party (Indonesian: Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan, PKP) in December 1998 as a split from Golkar Party.
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It was held to elect the governor of Lampung alongside with their deputy, whilst members of the provincial council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) will be re-elected in 2019. The party was founded as the Justice and Unity Party (Indonesian: Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan, PKP) in December 1998 as a split from Golkar Party. 1 Lampiran 1 LOGO Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Gambar : Logo Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Keterangan logo : 1. Kot 1 Senin Pahing, 7 Februari 204 Tahun 65 NO. 7 Terbit 32 Halaman kunjungi kami di : epaper.suaramerde Paloh datang didampingi Ketua Umum Garda Pemuda Nasdem Prananda Surya Paloh, Ketua DPW Nasdem Sumut Iskandar, Kompemwil Nasdem Sumut Martin Manurung, dan Ketua DPP Partai Nasdem Willy Aditya.
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